Blog Archives

Simple Turkey on a Weber Grill

Are you looking for a way to make your Thanksgiving turkey a little different this year? Well, we have something for the Weber Grill owners out there. If you have about seven hours that you can spend grilling a turkey, then you can serve up something extra delicious this year. In this video the owner of what looks to be a Weber One-Touch Silver with a hinged grate grills up a very succulent looking 18lb bird. We even get to see him deal with some common issues when grilling such a large item on a small grill. I hope this video makes your mouth water as much as it did mine.

Get out and Grill!

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Grill Master Myron Mixon shares secrets in 3 day class

Myron Mixon

Cheers from Myron Mixon

One of our favorite Grill Masters, Myron Mixon, was recently featured in a spot on CBS news. You can view it here:

If you are looking to up your BBQ game and want to attend Myron’s school, you can get all the info you need here:

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